Crowdfunding Campaign for TEL HI’s Senior Program Hits Goal
November 8, 2016
On September 1, 2016 TEL HI launched a crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe to raise $8,888 for its Senior Program. The campaign, Christmas in September for Seniors, was a huge success! With over 40 people making online and offline donations, Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center (TEL HI) hit its fundraising goal in 2 months!
“We are so grateful for all of the support and generosity we received over the last 2 months,” Melody Wong, TEL HI’s Senior Program and Volunteer Manager, said. “I am excited to start purchasing items for our program and Senior Program participants! These items will go a long way in enhancing our program and making are program participants feel cared for!”
TEL HI’s crowdfunding campaign began when TEL HI’s Senior Program participants created a “wish list” of items for the Senior Program. These items included bingo prizes, updated yoga equipment, art supplies and more! After the items are purchased Wong will disperse them as gifts at holiday parties and as bingo prizes through December, bringing “Christmas” to TEL HI’s Senior Program participants all through the holidays!
TEL HI is honored to be able to serve one of our countries most under-served populations, seniors. Even though the Senior Program is UNFUNDED they are able to serve approximately 100 adults and seniors a day through an array of activities including bingo, yoga and fitness classes, a meal program, computer classes, Tai Chi classes, Line Dance classes, and special activities and workshops! For many, TEL HI is a second home, and the only place they go every day to socialize and connect with the community around them. This network is crucial for our older population.
TEL HI relies on fundraisers and donations to fund a lot of the program activities and services the center offers. That’s why fundraising campaigns like “Christmas in September” are so important to TEL HI’s staff and to the people they serve.