Having the freedom to make your own choices feels good. So if you’d like to help TEL HI, feel free to consider these options:

Corporate Matching Gifts

Workplace Giving

Donating Goods and Services

Planned Gifts

A Gift of Financial Securities

Memorial Gifts

Shop Smile.Amazon

Outside-the-Box Gifts

Corporate Matching Gifts

Did you know that thousands of companies match donations made by their employees to organizations like TEL HI? Please enter your company below to see if your employer will match your gift! It's that easy!


Workplace Giving

Does your workplace participate in a United Way or other workplace giving program? If so, you can designate TEL HI as a beneficiary by adding us to the “write-in” section of your designation form. You’ll need our full name and address:

Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center
660 Lombard St.
San Francisco, CA 94133

Donating Goods and Services

We accept all kinds of help. Do you have something to donate? Do you have a specific skill that can benefit the community? We are happy to discuss it with you and figure out how it can fit our needs. Call or email Nestor L. Fernandez II, TEL HI Executive Director/CEO, at NFernandez@telhi.org or 415.580.7224.

Save even more on items you purchase online by using: Capital One Shopping, a free tool that compares prices among various retailers to ensure you are getting the best deal possible while supporting TEL HI at the same time.

Our current wish list of equipment and supplies includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Any cardstock or brightly colored paper
  • Glue
  • Markers, Sharpies, pens, pencils
  • Educational board games (or any game for that matter)
  • Tools (hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches…things to build and fix stuff with)
  • Unused paper plates, cups, napkins, eating utensil, serving dishes
  • Office supplies (staplers, staples, tape, file folders, binder clips, etc.)

Planned Gifts

Planned giving is a way for you to make a very special gift to TEL HI. You may receive tax benefits, and planned gifts can enhance your own financial situation while making a lasting contribution to TEL HI's programs and participants. To ensure that we properly acknowledge you, please contact Ruchira Karamchandani when you make your gift. Her contact info is rkaramchandani@telhi.org or 415.624.4746.


A Gift of Financial Securities

There are significant tax benefits to donating appreciated stock, bonds, or mutual fund shares to TEL HI. You will avoid paying capital gains on the appreciated amount and will receive a tax deduction for the securities’ full market value at the time of transfer. Tell your broker that you are making a securities gift to “Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center.”

*One other thing about gifts of stock: We receive reports called “Stock Transfer Statements” to let us know that someone has donated stock to us. These transfer statements often DON’T include the name of the person who is donating. To ensure that we properly acknowledge you, please contact Ruchira Karamchandani when you make your donation. Her contact info is rkaramchandani@telhi.org or 415.624.4746.

Memorial Gifts

In 1890 two young women, Elizabeth Ashe and Alice Griffith, founded Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center to meet the needs of their community. We strive to honor their legacy of caring and helping others every day. You can help us. Honor someone you love by making a gift to TEL HI in his or her name. Visit our donation page to make your gift.

Shop at Smile.Amazon.com

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization, just choose Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center when you first log-in. You use the same account on Amazon.com and AmazonSmile. Your shopping cart, Wish List, wedding or baby registry, and other account settings are also the same!

Outside-the-Box Gifts

Enjoy thinking outside the box for other ways to help TEL HI. We’re open to your ideas!

  • For your birthday or during the holidays, ask your friends to make a donation instead of buying a gift
  • Include TEL HI on your bridal or gift registry
  • Include TEL HI on your Facebook profile and connect with us online
  • Have a garage or sidewalk sale with proceeds benefiting TEL HI
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