TEL HI Celebrates National Summer Learning Week

August 2, 2024

Every year, summer programs all around the country participate in National Summer Learning Week, hosting events that celebrate and elevate the importance of summer programs for children, youth, and working families. 

In San Francisco, non-profit, community-based organizations (CBOs) are one of the primary providers of summer programming for thousands of the City’s children and youth. These programs prevent the learning loss that can happen during the months that school is out, and they are a vital support for San Francisco’s working families, who can rely on these programs to keep their children engaged in learning, safe, and having fun throughout the summer. In 2024, every CBO that is funded by the San Francisco Department of Children, Youth, and their Families (DCYF) to provide comprehensive, all-day summer programs for children and youth in grades K-8 hosted events to celebrate Summer Learning Week. 

Telegraph Hill Neighborhood Center (TEL HI) Elementary School Academy 

TEL HI’s Elementary School Academy recently showcased a typical day at their summer camp, highlighting activities promoting learning and fun. The day featured sports like soccer and basketball, gardening sessions where kids planted flowers and vegetables, and hands-on nutrition classes where they prepared and tasted healthy snacks. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) projects engaged children in experiments and building challenges, while literacy activities included reading and storytelling.  

TEL HI — Francisco Middle School Beacon 

TEL HI’s summer camp at the Francisco Middle School Beacon hosted two very cool Summer Learning Week events: a build-your-own skateboard workshop, and their annual Cardboard Madness project. Pods of twenty students were tasked with co-designing and building a cardboard arch or tunnel, at least 6 feet tall and 8 feet wide, that utilized multiple cardboard engineering and attachment techniques and at least one moving mechanism. The final arches stood over a giant one-of-a-kind slip-n-slide that students slid down on showcase day! 

To read the full article click here

Article Credit: SF Department of Children, Youth & Their Families 

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